Sunday, June 29, 2008

High Country Round-Up

I am trying my my hand at creating western art.  This is a new one called "High Country Round-Up", 20x16 acrylic on canvas. I found the frame in an antique store and the two just seemed to go together.  

I also am trying acrylic with on watercolor paper (ran out of canvas).  These are two small 5x7 which seemed to work pretty well. (Garlic on Slate and Limeade)

Hope you enjoy.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Cold Morning Run & Colt Sculpture

It is so hot outside that I decide to paint something cool........... like snow.  I am also trying out a sculpture class taught by Trace Guthrie. Trace has gently guided me through horse anatomy and this is my first creation.  Hope you enjoy it.

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Frame Rack & Pastel

Today I rearranged the "art room" and got all the frames and completed art work off the floor.  I built this frame rack from an 8' x 5' cattle panel.  It was a little harder than I thought to get the darn thing through the front door, up the stairs and into the art room; but it made it.  The rack is working out really well, and makes a great place to photograph the completed work.  This is the new pastel of a colt struggling to get to its feet, called "UP."  Hope you enjoy it.