Sunday, June 29, 2008

High Country Round-Up

I am trying my my hand at creating western art.  This is a new one called "High Country Round-Up", 20x16 acrylic on canvas. I found the frame in an antique store and the two just seemed to go together.  

I also am trying acrylic with on watercolor paper (ran out of canvas).  These are two small 5x7 which seemed to work pretty well. (Garlic on Slate and Limeade)

Hope you enjoy.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Cold Morning Run & Colt Sculpture

It is so hot outside that I decide to paint something cool........... like snow.  I am also trying out a sculpture class taught by Trace Guthrie. Trace has gently guided me through horse anatomy and this is my first creation.  Hope you enjoy it.

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Frame Rack & Pastel

Today I rearranged the "art room" and got all the frames and completed art work off the floor.  I built this frame rack from an 8' x 5' cattle panel.  It was a little harder than I thought to get the darn thing through the front door, up the stairs and into the art room; but it made it.  The rack is working out really well, and makes a great place to photograph the completed work.  This is the new pastel of a colt struggling to get to its feet, called "UP."  Hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


INO is a constant source of entertainment.  The other evening he delivered a live snake to the living room.  It took me a few minutes to realize it was not one of my father's shoe strings.  The hint was when the darn thing started slithering under the couch to hide.  The good news is the snake is gone; it is back outside in the grass across the street.  I hope you enjoy this little 8 x 10 acrylic; it was definitely a moment that needed to be captured.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Class on Blogs & Now That You Caught The Cows?

I just finished a fantastic class on "How to Start a Blog" by Susan Carlin.  I am trying out a few things that I learned.  I am here to tell you that uploading pictures/slide shows is harder than it looks So here we go, second blog entry on a painting I am working on.

"Now That You Caught The Cows?"

I have a new puppy "INO" that loves to chase cattle.  After chasing the cows around the pasture for about 30 minutes; the cows decided that they had enough of his foolishness.  I just had to capture the look on INO's face once the game had ended.  I am not sure if the position of his tail is visible in this small photo; but it was definitely tucked between his legs.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday - April 6, 2008

Yesterday was one of those beautiful days were everything I touched turned to gold.  I had ordered two books on Amazon the night before and the confirmation came through, Amazon had them both...can not wait to open Richard Schmidt's "Alla Prima: Everything I Know About Painting" and Kevin Macpherson's "Fill Your Oil Paintings With Light and Color." 

Next is was on to the Marble Falls Art Festival.  A beautiful day for driving (except for the 3.18 per gallon fill-up), clear, blue and crisp.  It was a wonderful show and nice to see the beautiful work; a lot of sculptures.  On the way home I stopped at a couple of art gallery's.  The first "Gallery at Spicewood" was such a delight.  Not only was the work impressive, Mark Schultz the gallery owner was kind enough to give me a couple of samples of pastel paper, vegetable and sanded paper to play with.  Next it was on to "The Shade Tree Potter" and Susie Fowler.  Her pots are incredible and the use of natural flora in the design made them so unique.  Susie's home sits high on a ridge and has a spectacular view of the river below.  What a spot to create.

Next is was on to the Art Stores...........40% on pastels at Asel's Art and I picked up some additional papers and supplies at Jerry's.

Today I am painting a mule, it is not going very well.  I think I will take Susan Carlin dad's advice and learn more about animal anatomy. 

All is good in Kyle

Monday, March 31, 2008


Try the classes at Susan Carlin's studio.............excellent.