Sunday, May 25, 2008

Class on Blogs & Now That You Caught The Cows?

I just finished a fantastic class on "How to Start a Blog" by Susan Carlin.  I am trying out a few things that I learned.  I am here to tell you that uploading pictures/slide shows is harder than it looks So here we go, second blog entry on a painting I am working on.

"Now That You Caught The Cows?"

I have a new puppy "INO" that loves to chase cattle.  After chasing the cows around the pasture for about 30 minutes; the cows decided that they had enough of his foolishness.  I just had to capture the look on INO's face once the game had ended.  I am not sure if the position of his tail is visible in this small photo; but it was definitely tucked between his legs.


Susan Carlin said...

Wow, Susan! A slideshow and a new post! My buttons are bustin' for you. It all looks great. I'm going to put a link on my blog to yours. Hope that's ok?

Pattie Wall said...

Hi Susan! Susan C. sent me your way. Said you were on the road to great blogging now. I like your subject material in this one. I can relate, living on a farmstead with three (x-city) dogs who would like nothing better than to chase the neighbors livestock.